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Donnerstag, 09 Dezember 2010 11:54

Team Europameisterschaft Malta 2011

geschrieben von
Die EBSA hat soeben die Ausschreibung für die Team-EM und die U21-EM 2011 veröffentlicht. Vom 29.3.-7.4.2011 zieht es die Snookerspieler nach Malta.


29th March to 7th April 2011 & EUROPEAN
Under 21’s SNOOKER CHAMPIONSHIPS 2nd to 7th April 2011 MALTA


Dear Members,             

On behalf of the EBSA Board of Directors (EBSA) and the Malta Billiards & Snooker Association (MBSA), I have pleasure in inviting you to send players to take part in:
  • The 2011 European Ladies, Masters and Men Team Snooker Championships.
  • The 2011 European Under 21’s Snooker Championships.


I enclose Entry and Travel-Accommodation forms to be returned as instructed for a maximum entry of:

  • Two Ladies, Two Masters (over 40 at the 1st day of the competition) and Three Men players from each Member Country for the Team Snooker Championships.
  • Three Players + a Reserve Player for the Under 21’s Snooker Championships.

(Players must be under 21 on the 31st December 2010)


Closing date for entries: 27th February 2011


Referees: A maximum of 24 international referees will be invited by the MBSA.

Accommodation will be supplied on a Bed & Breakfast basis, 2 referees sharing a room + 1 meal/day will be provided at the Hotel.

Referees will be nominated by the EBSA Referees Committee. All referees must be members of the European Billiards & Snooker Referees Association (EBSRA).

Request must be sent before the 30th January 2011 to the EBSA secretary, Maxime Cassis

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The MBSA has asked me to assure you, that they will do eveything to make your visit one to remember.



Yours in sport,

Maxime Cassis

EBSA – General Secretary


Calendar of events

1. European Team Snooker Championships (ETC):

Tuesday 29th March @ the Dolmen Hotel

- Players & Referees meeting                                                                                  19:00

- Opening Ceremony (Everybody is requested to attend in full dress)         20:30

Wednesday 30th March to Thursday 7th April: Robin Matches and Final Stages + Closing Ceremony.

The Schedule will be fixed depending of the number of entries. In every match, each Player in a Team will play 2 Frames against all the Players of the opponent Team.


An opening ceremony 20:30 on the 29th March…and the organizers will ensure it will be an event to remember for the quality of food and enjoyable talent show which will feature on the night…rather than the customary speeches which will nonetheless be a requirement on the night.


2. European Under 21’s Snooker Championships:

Saturday 2nd April @ the Dolmen Hotel                                                       20:00

Welcome Ceremony & Players meeting (Everybody is requested to attend in full dress).

Sunday 3rd to Thursday 7th April: Round Robin Matches and Final Stages + Closing Ceremony


Entry Fee

Please note an entry fee of € 50 (fifty euro) per player to be paid before the start of each event, Team & Under 21’s, to the MBSA and that no player will be allowed to take part if payment is not made.

Please ensure that your countries affiliation fees to EBSA are up to date.


16 Riley Steel-Block competition tables with Strachan Cloth and Saluc Tournament Balls will be housed in the:

Dolmen Resort Hotel / Qawra – St. Paul’s Bay

Bugibba Malta  / Website:

Tel: +356 2355 2355   /   Fax: +356 2355 5666



Single:                                     € 65,-

Double or Twin:          € 80,-

Triple Rooms:                         € 99,-

The room rate will include full breakfast.


All hotel bookings must be made direct with the MBSA:

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This is a condition of participation in these championships


The first 30 confirmed rooms will be automatically upgraded to sea view rooms.

Furthermore, wherever possible, participants will be given sea view rooms should these be available upon check in. The hotel will also be giving free use of the indoor pool, Jacuzzi and fitness centre to guests for the duration of their stay.


A welcome gift will be also given to every participant staying at the Dolmen Hotel.


The closing ceremony will be held after the finals have been played and this will be held in the Dolmen Hotel. The MBSA can assure you that it will be another pleasant evening of Mediterranean tastes to take back home. Hopefully, all the participants will also take home fond memories of our Islands and the hospitality one always enjoys in Malta.


Transfers Airport – Hotel – Airport will also be available at a cost of € 20.00 per person and all participants will be greeted by Team Travel Malta representatives upon arrival.

The MBSA has entered in to an agreement with “Team Travel Malta” the same destination Management Company who we believe was instrumental in organizing all matters with regards your arrival, stay and departure. A hospitality desk will be situated in the hotel reception area throughout the duration of the competition to give our guests the most personalized attention possible with regards to whatever requirements may arise.



Visas are not required by most European countries but please check.



A good meal can be secured for €12.



All major credit cards are accepted in the hotel, restaurants and shops.

Local currency is euro (€)



Weather can be changeable, please check with your TV weather programme.



Team's Event Men

Total Prize Money: 2 500.00 € made up as follows:

Team Winner                                                 1200.00 €        +  3 Trophies

Runner-up                                            600.00 €        +  3 Trophies

Semi-Finalists             300.00 x 2         600.00 €

High Break                                                       100.00 €        + Trophy

Team's Event Ladies & Masters

Prize Money for each Event: 1 250.00 € as follows:

Team Winner                                                 600.00 €          +  2 Trophies

Runner-up                                          300.00 €          +  2 Trophies

Semi-Finalists             150.00 x 2       300.00 €

High Break                                                       50.00 €          +   Trophy


European Under 21’s Snooker Championships

Total Prize Money: 2 600.00 € made up as follows:

Winner                                               1000.00 €        +  Trophy

Runner-up                                            500.00 €        +  Trophy

Semi-Finalists                  250.00 x 2      500.00 €

Quarter Finalists           125.00 x 4      500.00 €

High Break                                                       100.00 €        + Trophy



Please note that the closing date for sending the entry & accommodation forms is:

The 27th February 2011

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    Snookermania und der Sport ist eine herausragende Online-Plattform, die sich leidenschaftlich dem Snooker-Sport widmet. Als umfassende Ressource für Snooker-Enthusiasten bietet die Website eine Fülle von Informationen, Trainingstipps und Neuigkeiten rund um dieses faszinierende Cue-Spiel.

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